
by Fisj

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Torpidinium is my third and final map for Myth the Fallen Lords. However you'll find plenty to ooh and ahh over with this one. Yeti was the first, Wop had assassin and Torp has World knots!

Torpidinium is a 1280x1536 size map, wider than mudpit wideways by one submesh. Torp is set in autumn (fall for you yanks) where the trees are reddish, orange and olive and the sunset light casts an orangish glow on the land. The world knots add a whole new level of strategic play where distance is no object and sneak attacks and quick escapes are the name of the game.

Information on Torp

Torp comes with several meshes:


Standard light setup with most games available.


Dark variant similar to normal but with Dark units.

Assassin (2 team)

This is a two team variation of assassin where it acts like capture the flag. When your assassinee is killed you are faded and eliminated.

Ghol Riot

10 teams 5 ghols each. I have had a large number of requests for Ghol Riot on torp and was pressured into it :P

Thanks to the guys at cb for inventing it, they rock!


The use of teleporters in Myth is nothing new, but no map released to the public has had world knots available in a netgame. Thanks have to be given to Kris Amco for his World knot demo and to Bungie for being perpetually lazy in leaving a partial script in RIP. :PI have made a few changes to the way that world knots are used. Firstly I have made a few cosmetic changes, the knots in Torp are three pronged unlike the four pronged myth ones. I did this to economize on the size the knots took up because they can provide a barrier in the way of a destination. Its not wise to walk across one unless you want to teleport to the opposite one. Even when you walk across one it may still keep a lock on you and teleport you when walking out of one or even a good distance away afterwards.

The wks (world knots) on Torp are two-way. There are 8 wks and 4 paired ones. When you teleport out of your home one you get teleported into one of the center ones and from there you can go to other ones around the map via the 3 other knots in the centerTo show a wk is operational it has lights radiating towards the center similar to Smiths of Muirthemne lights. However I have reduced the number of lights to 40 or so to prevent the map reaching its maximum sprite limit and obviously slowing down slower computers.

Which brings me to my next point, when the lights are not on that means the knot is broken. A knot can be broken by blowing up one of the two linked knots. If you break your home knot then the knot linked to it in the middle ceases to work. This can be used as a strategic method to protect your flag ball etc. Balls cannot be teleported in netgames due to myth's scripting limitations, as fun as it would be it might not be very fair either.Thanks to VR, froob, Bungie, Max, El Bastard, Lord Chromag (for Libram) and all the other Beta testers out there.